Long Beach Labor Attorney

The Employment Attorneys at Long Beach Labor Attorney are Ready to Represent You

Did your employer treat you unfairly? If your employer discriminated against your, retaliated against you, denied you your pay/breaks, or terminated you for unlawful reasons, you might have grounds to file a claim. Depending on the details of your claim, you could take action against your employer and even receive compensation. If you would like to learn more about your right to take action against your employer, contact Long Beach Labor Attorney Group today.

wrongful termination attorney in long beach

Workplace Discrimination

Unfortunately, many employees are consistently subject to discrimination in the workplace. There are many different types of discrimination in the workplace. On both the federal and state levels, there are specific employment laws that outline a series of protected personal characteristics. These laws make it illegal for employers to make any employment decisions based on these characteristics. What are these laws? On the federal level, employees are protected from workplace discrimination by the Civil Rights Act (Title VII). On the state level, employees are protected from workplace discrimination (in the state of California) by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Although these laws are similar, they offer different protections. When directly compared, FEHA offers more protections than Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Regardless, you could be certain that you are protected by these laws in the workplace – and your employer cannot discriminate against you without being held accountable.​


workplace stress

In addition to workplace discrimination, employees could also suffer retaliation in the workplace. When employers exercise their basic rights in the workplace, as determined by different employment laws, employers sometimes retaliate against them. Retaliation could come in the form of any negative consequence – such as being demoted, getting a pay cut, getting hours cut, losing specific benefits, being denied job opportunities, being forced to complete menial tasks, being given an increased workload, and being constantly scrutinized, for example. As mentioned, retaliation occurs in response to an employee exercising a basic employment right. Some of these rights could include the following:

  • The right to report discrimination in the workplace.
  • The right to file a claim against the employer for any mistreatment in the workplace.
  • The right to file a report against the employer regarding safety violations.
  • The right to refuse to take a lie detector test.
  • The right to request medical leave.
  • The right to request family leave.

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination occurs when an employer unjustly and illegally fires an employee. It is illegal for employers to terminate their employees based on discriminatory reasons. It is also illegal for employers to terminate their employees for retaliatory reasons. Were you wrongfully terminated? Unfortunately, countless employees suffer wrongful termination; however, many of these employees believe the false explanations that were given to reason their termination. Some of these excuses might include work performance, misconduct, safety issues, and attendance, for example. If you believe that you lost your job due to unlawful reasons, you might have grounds to take action against your employer for wrongfully terminating you. The employment experts at Long Beach Labor Attorney Group are ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to take action against your employer.


Taking Action against Your Employer

What could you do after suffering mistreatment in the workplace? Could you take action against your employer? As an employee, you have quite a few options available to you when it comes to taking action against your employer.

In addition to workplace discrimination, employees could also suffer retaliation in the workplace. When employers exercise their basic rights in the workplace, as determined by different employment laws, employers sometimes retaliate against them. Retaliation could come in the form of any negative consequence – such as being demoted, getting a pay cut, getting hours cut, losing specific benefits, being denied job opportunities, being forced to complete menial tasks, being given an increased workload, and being constantly scrutinized, for example. As mentioned, retaliation occurs in response to an employee exercising a basic employment right. Some of these rights could include the following:

  • The right to report discrimination in the workplace.
  • The right to file a claim against the employer for any
    mistreatment in the workplace.
  • The right to file a report against the employer
    regarding safety violations.
  • The right to refuse to take a lie detector test.
  • The right to request medical leave.
  • The right to request family leave.

    Although it is illegal for employers
    to retaliate against their employees for exercising their basic employment rights,
    many employers abuse their power and retaliate against their employees. If you
    believe that the mistreatment that you suffered was retaliatory in any way, do
    not hesitate to seek legal
    assistanceas soon as possible – your employer must be held
    accountable for his or her actions against you.

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